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Strking and Fielding - Games Unit 1

Children will:

  • Know how to point my hand at my target when striking a ball
  • Know how to scoop with two hands.
  • Know rules help me stay safe.

 Target Games - Introduction to PE Unit 1 

Children will:        

  • Know to point my hand at my target when throwing.
  • Know to have hands out ready to catch.
  • Make simple decisions to respond to a task.
  • Know that rules help keep us safe. 


Strking and Fielding - Games Unit 2

Children will:

  • Know how to point my hand at my target when striking a ball
  • Know how to scoop with two hands.
  • Know rules help me stay safe.

Target Games - Introduction to PE Unit 2

Children will:

  • Know to point my hand at my target when throwing.
  • Know to have hands out ready to catch.
  • Make simple decisions to respond to a task.
  • Know that rules help keep us safe. 

Woodland Learning

In this unit children have been practising and further developing their fundamental movement skills through the topic of 'around the world'. They have been developing these skills by playing a variety of team games and are starting to understand how to work as a team, take turns, keep the score, play against an opponent and play by the rules.  In this particular activity, the children played alternative versions of tag whereby the taggers were Rainforest creatures such as; frogs, snakes and monkeys. The game that they enjoyed the most was the 'Branches' game; In theypupils travelled around by skipping and holding hands. Four children were  to be the monkeys. Monkeys had to try to catch other children. When caught, they had to stand facing each other, joining hands and creating an arch of branches. To be freed, another pair had run under their hands.

Year 1
Strking and Fielding

Children will:

  • Know that a harder strike results in the ball travelling further.
  • Know to throw the ball back instead of running with it.
  • Know which type of throw to use over long distances.
  • Know to watch an approaching ball.
  • Know that tactics can help teams win games.

Ball Games

Children will:

  • Know to face the body towards a target when throwing.
  • Know to watch an approaching ball.
  • Know that moving with a ball is called dribbling.

Woodland Learning

In this unit children have been developing their communication and problem solving skills. They have work individually, in pairs and in small groups, learning to take turns, working collaboratively and leading each other. They have been given the opportunity to discuss and plan their ideas to get the most successful outcome. In this particular activity, the children had to firstly work in pairs to lead their partner through effective communication whilst the other mirrored them. They then played a game sof gone fishing where they got into groups of four and had one hoop between them. The aim of the game was for the groups to collect as many pieces of equipment as they could and place it in their hoop. Teams had to hold hands with each other at all times and only the front person could collect the equipment. Once the piece of equipment was in their hoop the front person had to go to the back of the chain and the group had a new leader. The team with the most equipment won.                                                    

Year 2 

Strking and Fielding

Children will:

  • Know to strike quickly to increase power.
  • Understand the different roles in a team.
  • Know to step with the opposite foot to throwing arm.
  • Know to use wide fingers and pull the ball toward the chest to catch.
  • Know simple attack and defence tactics.

Ball Games

Children will:

  • Know to step with opposite foot to throwing arm.
  • Know to use wide fingers and pull the ball into the chest to catch.
  • Know to move towards a ball to track it.
  • Know to keep head up when dribbling.

Woodland Learning                                                                                             

Year 3

Strking and Fielding - Cricket

Children will:

  • Know to strike away from fielders.
  • Know to communicate with teammates.
  • Know that overarm throwing is used for long distances and underarm for short distances.
  • Know to move toward the ball when catching.
  • Know to use simple tactics such as spreading out.

Ball Games - Football

Children will:

  • Know to point hand/foot/stick on target to send accurately.
  • Know to move feet to the ball to receive accurately.
  • Know that dribbling is an attacking skill.

Woodland Learning

In this unit the children have been developing problem solving skills through a range of challenges. They have been working as a pair and small group to plan, solve, reflect and improve on strategies. They learned to be inclusive of others and worked collaboratively to overcome challenges as well as learning to orientate a map, identify key symbols and follow routes. In this particular activity the children firstly had to learn what each of the symbols on a map mean, they then followed a simple map to get to a a destination within the forest. They were then given a variety of items to place around the forest and had to draw these out on to a card, then add a start and finish line and a route for another team to follow.

Year 4

Strking and Fielding - Rounders

Children will:

  • Know to use the centre of the bat to provide control and accuracy.
  • Know how to track an approaching ball and set up accurately to field it.
  • Know to be balanced before throwing.
  • Know to apply attacking tactics to score points and defending tactics to limit opponent’s points.

Ball Games - Netball

Children will:

  • Know to use a variety of ways to send a ball.
  • Know to adjust hand height to the height of the ball.
  • Know tracking a ball is an important skill.
  • Know to dribble with soft touches to maintain control.

Woodland Learning

In this unit the children have been developing problem solving skills through a range of challenges. They have been working as a pair and small group to plan, solve, reflect and improve on strategies. They learned to be inclusive of others and worked collaboratively to overcome challenges as well as learning to orientate a map, identify key symbols and follow routes. In this particular activitythe children had to orientate a map and use the four compass points shown on the map. They then had to design their own route using at least four directional instructions for another team to follow.

Year 5 

Strking and Fielding - Cricket

Children will:

  • Know that stance is important for balance.
  • Know to back up a fielder to improve chances of success.
  • Know where to throw a ball in relation to a batter.
  • Know when to use close catch technique or deep catch technique.
  • Know the need for tactics and when to use them.

Ball Games - Volleyball

Children will:

  • Know to control a ball before sending it.
  • Know when to use different types of catching.
  • Know that tracking a ball will help receive or collect it quickly.
  • Know that dribbling in different directions will help to lose a defender.


In this unit the children have been developing teamwork skills through completion of a number of challenges. They have been working individually, collaboratively in pairs and groups to solve problems. They were encouraged to be inclusive of others, share ideas to create strategies and plans to produce the best solution to a challenge and were also given the opportunity to lead a small group, learning  to orientate and navigate using a map. In this particular activity the children learned that problem solving is an important life skill as we face problems nearly every day of our life. Problem solving involves lots of other skills such as being creative, teamwork, decision making and critical thinking. Often there can be more than one way to solve a problem and we can use trial and error to find the best solution. If we are resilient when solving problems, it means we can work indepently and well with others. The children had to work as a team to transport an object from place to another whithout using their hands.

Year 6

Strking and Fielding - Rounders

Children will:

  • Know that momentum and power for striking comes from both arms and legs.
  • Know which fielding action to apply to a situation.
  • Know when to throw, who to and what speed to use.
  • Know different tactics as a batter, bowler or fielder.

Ball Games - Football

Children will

  • Know how to make quick decisions about when, how and who to pass to.
  • Know how to catch a ball for different situations, considering trajectory, speed, height and size of ball.
  • Know how to track a ball for different situations
  • Know the appropriate dribbling skill for the situation.

Woodland Learning

In this unit the children have been developing teamwork skills through completion of a number of challenges. They have been working individually, collaboratively in pairs and groups to solve problems. They were encouraged to be inclusive of others, share ideas to create strategies and plans to produce the best solution to a challenge and were also given the opportunity to lead a small group, learning  to orientate and navigate using a map. In this particular activity the children had to get to a corner cone without letting go of their teammates' hand. The class worked in five teams with five cones out, one in each corner and one in the centre with a 5m distance between them. Four of the groups started each at a corner cone, and one team at the cone in the middle. On the teacher’s command, the groups in the corners had to leave their corner and try to get to a different corner cone. The team in the middle also had to try to get to a corner cone.

The team that didn't make it to a corner cone (as there were only four), had to go to the middle cone.