In Summer Term, pupils focus on the following areas of learning:
Shape and Space, Measure, Composition and Pattern
They will learn about:
- 2D and 3D shapes
- Sequencing Events
- Length and Height
- Capacity
- Positional Language.
In Summer Term, pupils study:
- Counting on to add
- Counting forwards and backwards
- Counting to 20
- Doubling
- Halving and Sharing
- Odds and Evens
- Mass
- Volume and Capacity
- Money
- Data
Year 1
In Summer Term, pupils study:
- Fractions: Halves and Quarters
- Place Value: Numbers to 100
- Measurement (time, money, volume, mass)
- Geometry - space
Year 2
In Summer Term, pupils study:
- Fractions (comparing, ordering, counting in, finding fractions of an amount)
- Time and Volume
Year 3
In Summer Term, pupils study:
- Statistics: Pictographs and Bar Graphs
- Fractions (counting in, equivalents, simplifying)
- Geometry: Angles
- Geometry: Properties of shapes (vertical, horizontal, drawing 2D and 3D shapes)
- Measurement: Perimeter
Year 4
In Summer Term, pupils study:
- Money
- Measurement: Mass, Volume and Length
- Measurement: (area)
- Properties of Shapes
- Position and Movement
- Roman Numerals
Year 5
In Summer Term, pupils study:
- Measurements (converting units of length, mass, time, temperature)
- Area and Perimeter
- Measurement: Volume (finding, comparing, converting metric and imperial)
- Roman Numerals: (up to 1000s)
Year 6
In Summer Term, pupils study:
- Graphs: (calculating mean, averages, pie charts)
- Negative Numbers
- Volume (cubes and cuboids)
- Geometry: Properties of shapes
- Geometry: Position and movement
- Statistics: Graphs and Averages