Welcome to French at Townfield!
‘A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing.’ (National Curriculum 2014 – Appendix A)
Townfield provides an encouraging environment in which all children can experience success in learning a new language. French is taught throughout Key Stage Two by specialist French Tutor for thirty minutes each week. We recognise that learning a language helps pupils to develop communication skills, including key skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing and to give a new and broader perspective on the world, encouraging them to understand their own cultures and those of others.
We follow the National Curriculum’s Modern Foreign Language through teaching French as our chosen language to study (see National Curriculum document below). Pupils will have the opportunity to take part in whole days dedicated to leaning about the French culture and its wonderful language.
The French curriculum is ambitious and designed to give all learners, particularly the most disadvantaged and those with special educational needs, the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Where required, pedagogy is adapted so that all pupils including disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND are on the same knowledge journey towards the same endpoints.
Our curriculum is carefully weighted with equal priority is given to both knowledge and skills. Clearly defined end points are identified at the end of the unit and at the end of the key stage. Components are carefully sequenced so new knowledge builds on what has been previously taught and leads to the end points. As the children move to the next year group, the specialist teacher then knows where to start
Pupils will understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources, speak with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation, write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt and discover and develop an appreciation of a range of writing in the language studied. Knowledge and skills are constantly revisited and refreshed to ensure that they become embedded. To aid understanding subject specific vocabulary is taught explicitly within every lesson.. There are also opportunities for developing reading in French.
Our school follows the School Improvement Liverpool (SIP) which is a live scheme which is continually updated and revised in order to meet with current curriculum standards. The planning ensures that the three main pillars of progressions are clearly identified and taught explicitly. These pillars include vocabulary, phonics and grammar. A range of teaching methods are implemented to ensure that the children are developing their linguistic skills through listening, speaking, reading and writing in preparation for Key Stage Three. Activities consist of: actions; rhymes; stories; songs; drama; video clips; dictionary work, language detective tasks; and many more creative ways to extend, embed and combine language skills. Review and retrieval is a key part of every lesson. Quick quizzes and knowledge organisers are used to support this
Pupils come from a mixed urban area of Wirral. The children also have the opportunity to discover an entirely new and exciting culture. To enhance pupil’s capital culture they will study French poets, authors, artists, musicians, food, towns and cities. Our core values; resilience, respect and responsibility are continually developed through all French learning experiences. Where appropriate, children are encouraged to make links with other areas of the curriculum.
Trés bien!
For further information on our curriculum intent, implementation and impact, please see our curriculum page.
Please find below a copy of our Curriculum Overview for French.
Please see below the End Point documents for French.
Autumn Term 2022
Autumn 1- Self, Family and Friends.
Please see below what each group have been learning.
Year 3
In this topic, children will:
- Produce basic greetings
- Ask and answer questions: name, feelings, where you live, age, what colour
- Produce 1-10 in and out of order and match to digit
- Produce 6 colours
- Produce 8 body parts
- Recognise word classes and masc/fem articles
- Recognise, 'ou,' phoneme
Year 4
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer personal questions
- Name colours from memory
- Name body parts from memory
- Produce sentences orally about eyes and hair (with support) Ask and say how many brothers and sisters you have (from memory)
- Show understanding of word order.
- Use personal pronouns and verbs (1st, 2nd and 3rd person singular) in the present tense (avoir)
- Show understanding of agreement of adjectives.
- Recognise and produce the phonemes - ai, eu, é, ( silent x,s)
Year 5
In this topic, children will:
- Read, ask and answer questions in first and third person
- Produce parts of the body
- Produce family members and descriptions
- Use numbers 1-69, all calculations
- Produce sentences about pain in parts of the body
- Read / write and show understanding of complex sentences which include family/ body vocabulary
- Recognise the different articles for nouns and when to use them [le, la, les, l']
- Recognise and produce the phoneme-'au'
Year 6
In this topic, children will:
- Read, ask and answer questions in first and third person
- Produce parts of the body
- Produce family members and descriptions
- Use numbers 1-69, all calculations
- Produce sentences about pain in parts of the body
- Read / write and show understanding of complex sentences which include family/ body vocabulary
- Recognise the different articles for nouns and when to use them [le, la, les, l']
- Recognise and produce the phoneme-'au'
Autumn Term 2022
Autumn 2 - School Life
Year 3
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer questions: name, others' names, feelings, where you live, age, colour.
- Recall 11 colours
- Respond correctly to instructions
- Produce classroom objects
- The imperative Use of the third person singular/ plural for others' names
- Use of adverbs Silent letter rules
- Recognise ’ç' and 'ille' phonemes
Year 4
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer personal questions
- Recall simple opinions
- Ask for and express opinions about school subjects (colours, animals, sports and fruits
- Use personal pronouns and verbs (1 st, 2nd and 3rd person singular) in the present tense (aimer, adorer, détester, étudier, être)
- Gender of nouns.Use of connectives to produce longer sentences. 1 st, 2 nd + 3rd person singular of verbs in present tense.
- Recognise the difference in gender of school subjects
- Use genders correctly for school subjects.
- Recognise and produce the phonemes; in, an, ai, qu, eu, i
Year 5
In this topic, children will:
- Ask/ answer/ read more questions including the time and clothing worn
- Recall colours
- Produce complex sentences involving seasons / colours
- Recall the word order and agreement of colour adjectives
- Write season/ time/ colour descriptions from memory
- Recall 1-69 in and out of order
- First, second and third person present tense of verb 'porter'
- Third person singular and plural of, 'être.'
- Recall the phoneme, 'on'
Year 6
In this topic, children will:
- Ask/ answer/ read more questions including the time and clothing worn
- Recall colours
- Produce complex sentences involving seasons / colours
- Recall the word order and agreement of colour adjectives
- Write season/ time/ colour descriptions from memory
- Recall 1-69 in and out of order
- First, second and third person present tense of verb 'porter'
- Third person singular and plural of, 'être.'
- Recall the phoneme, 'on'
Spring Term 2023
Spring 1 - The World Around Us.
Year 3
In this topic, children will:
- Read, ask and answer questions: name, others' names, feelings, where you live, age, colour, birthday
- Respond to instructions
- Recall 1-20 independently.
- No capital letter for French days/ months
- Learn the phoneme ‘r’
Year 4
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer questions on a range of topics
- Name months of the year from memory
- Use the gender of nouns correctly.
- Use personal pronouns and verbs (3rd person impersonal use) in the present tense
- Use the following phoneme correctly - ch, oi, au, eau
Year 5
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer more complex familiar questions with a scaffold of responses.
- Produce multiples of ten to 100 independently in and out of order.
- Use of the negative: Je vais à/ en… Je ne vais pas. Use of à/ en…before transport noun. Use of the third person singular and plural.
- Use the following phoneme correctly - u, en
Year 6
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer more complex familiar questions with a scaffold of responses.
- Produce multiples of ten to 100 independently in and out of order.
- Use of the negative: Je vais à/ en… Je ne vais pas. Use of à/ en…before transport noun. Use of the third person singular and plural.
- Use the following phoneme correctly - u, en
Spring Term 2023
Spring 2 - Animals and Home Environment.
Year 3
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer questions: name, others' names, feelings, where you live, age, birthday, pets, what colour is/ how many?
- Read and show understanding of familiar, written questions
- Recall colours independently
- Gender of nouns
- Noun and adjective word order [NB: adjectives are positioned after the noun, except for, ‘petit,’ ‘moyen’ and ‘grand’ which go before the noun]
- Use the following phoneme correctly - ch
Year 4
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer questions on a range of topics
- Recall domestic, zoo and wild animals
- Recall colours and other adjectives used to describe animals
- Use numbers 1 – 69 – count forwards, backwards, add and subtract
- Recognise and use gender of nouns correctly (indefinite-definite articles)
- Use personal pronouns and verbs (1st,2nd and 3rd person singular) in the present tense (Habiter)
- Use the following phoneme correctly - ch,on, gn, oi, in
Year 5
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer more complex familiar questions with a scaffold of responses
- Read and show understanding of written questions and answers
- Create, rehearse and present complex sentences about rooms/ bedroom items/ prepositions using a scaffold
- Listen and show understanding of complex sentences about rooms/ bedroom items/ prepositions
- Read and show understanding of complex sentences about rooms/ bedroom items/ prepositions
- Read and show understanding of multiples of ten to 100
- Write multiples of 10 to 100 with a scaffold or from memory
Year 6
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer more complex familiar questions with a scaffold of responses
- Read and show understanding of written questions and answers
- Create, rehearse and present complex sentences about rooms/ bedroom items/ prepositions using a scaffold
- Listen and show understanding of complex sentences about rooms/ bedroom items/ prepositions
- Read and show understanding of complex sentences about rooms/ bedroom items/ prepositions
- Read and show understanding of multiples of ten to 100
- Write multiples of 10 to 100 with a scaffold or from memory
Summer Term 2023
Summer 1 - Leisure
Year 3
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer questions: name, others' names, feelings, where you live, age, birthday, pets, colour
- Produce numbers 1-39 in and out of order and backwards
- Recognise connectives and variants of definite article
- Use the following phoneme correctly- é
- Year 4
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer questions on a range of topics
- Produce sports and simple opinions from memory
- Count forwards, backwards, in odds and evens 1 – 69
- Recognise and produce numbers out of sequence 1 – 69
- Halve / double numbers 1-69
- Use personal pronouns and verbs in the present tense (aimer, adorer, detester, être, jouer, faire) to produce written sentences about sports (with support or independently)
- Recognise and produce the sounds: h, tion, er
Year 5
In this topic, children will:
- Show understanding of spoken complex sentences about family/ opinions/ hobbies/reasons
- Read and show understanding of complex sentences about family/ opinions/ hobbies/ reasons
- Write longer family/ opinion/ hobby/ reason sentences using a language scaffold
- Write longer family/ opinion/ hobby/ reason sentences from memory with understandable accuracy
- Count 80-100 [and 1-100
- Possessive pronouns [mon/ ma/ mes; ton/ ta/ tes ; son/ sa/ ses
- Use correct possessive pronoun, preposition+ article combination
- Say sentences in first/ third person and in the negative
- Correct use of 'jouer'/ 'faire' with sports
- Combine prepositions + articles in the singular eg; de+le=du
- Third person of verbs
- Negative form
- Recognise and produce the sounds: eu, an
Year 6
In this topic, children will:
- Show understanding of spoken complex sentences about family/ opinions/ hobbies/reasons
- Read and show understanding of complex sentences about family/ opinions/ hobbies/ reasons
- Write longer family/ opinion/ hobby/ reason sentences using a language scaffold
- Write longer family/ opinion/ hobby/ reason sentences from memory with understandable accuracy
- Count 80-100 [and 1-100
- Possessive pronouns [mon/ ma/ mes; ton/ ta/ tes ; son/ sa/ ses
- Use correct possessive pronoun, preposition+ article combination
- Say sentences in first/ third person and in the negative
- Correct use of 'jouer'/ 'faire' with sports
- Combine prepositions + articles in the singular eg; de+le=du
- Third person of verbs
- Negative form
- Recognise and produce the sounds: eu, an
Summer Term 2023
Summer 2 - Summer
Year 3
In this topic, children will:
- Use correct possessive pronoun, preposition+ article combination
- Say sentences in first/ third person and in the negative
- Describe colour of fruit/ wild animals
- Write animal and fruit/ opinion sentences using a language scaffold
- Write animal and fruit/ opinion sentences from memory
- French telephone numbers are read in pairs of digits
- Use the correct definite article [singular] and simple connectives
- Recognise the 'an' phoneme
Year 4
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer questions on a range of topics
- Recall fruits
- Divide one number by another 1 – 69
- Double and halve numbers 1 – 69
- Use personal pronouns and verbs (1st, 2nd and 3rd person singular) in the present tense and the verb vouloir in the conditional mood
- Recognise and produce the phonemes: th, ch, eau, on
Year 5
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer more complex familiar questions using a scaffold of responses
- Read and show understanding of written questions and answers
- Listen and show understanding of complex sentences about countries/ nationalities/ weather
- Create, rehearse and present complex sentences about countries/ nationalities/ weather with a language scaffold
- Read and show understanding of complex sentences [countries/ nationalities/ weather
- Recall 1-100 in and out of order
- Numbers 80-99 [quatre-vingt(s) + 10...+19 etc].
- No capital letters for nationalities in French. Adjectival agreement-nationalities.
- Use of [correct] definite article before countries.
- Use of prepositions- au before masc. countries/ en before fem.countries/ aux before plural countries.
- Recognise and produce the phonemes ‘i, ai,’ and all previous phonemes
Year 6
In this topic, children will:
- Ask and answer more complex familiar questions using a scaffold of responses
- Read and show understanding of written questions and answers
- Listen and show understanding of complex sentences about countries/ nationalities/ weather
- Create, rehearse and present complex sentences about countries/ nationalities/ weather with a language scaffold
- Read and show understanding of complex sentences [countries/ nationalities/ weather
- Recall 1-100 in and out of order
- Numbers 80-99 [quatre-vingt(s) + 10...+19 etc].
- No capital letters for nationalities in French. Adjectival agreement-nationalities.
- Use of [correct] definite article before countries.
- Use of prepositions- au before masc. countries/ en before fem.countries/ aux before plural countries.
- Recognise and produce the phonemes ‘i, ai,’ and all previous phonemes