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Friends of Townfield - FOT

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Friends of Townfield (FOT)

Friends of Townfield are a group of supportive parents, carers and staff who work together to organise and run fundraising events for TPS.  Their passion and commitment is what drives the amazing work they do.    

Unfortunately, due to the effects of the global Cornona Virus pandemic, fundraising had to come to a halt, but under the very capable direction of our new Chair and Co Chair, momentum is picking up fast!    Tuck & Toy Shop has started on a Friday after school, together with the addition of Lost Property, which means both children and parent/carers are benefiting from the wonderful volunteers we have at Townfield Primary.    

To ensure a collaborative approach to all fundraising, Mrs Ellis and Mr Wilbrhams, along with FOT members  regularly communicate with the Headteacher and school regarding fundraising events.   School are extremely appreciative of all efforts by the school community to raise money for our children. 


The FOT Shop  

FOT now have their own "FOT Shop" where you can sign up and pay for their lotto and also purchase seasonal items, e.g. their Christmas Good or Bad scratch cards.   One really beneficial feature of the FOT Shop is it gives parents the option to pay electronically for any FOT related payments, including dress down days, which is really useful and will mean no more franctially raiding piggy banks for change. To make electronic payments simply click the FOT Shop picture below or visit


Where does FOT money go?



The main fundraising aim for 2021 was to fund a present from Father Christmas. Children all really enjoyed their visit from Father Christmas and had a surprise visit from a "Reindeer" caretaker too. 



Fundriasing has been very impressive alrady for 2022.   FOT gave the chldren a Queen's Jubilee they will never forget with a fantastic fun filled day.   This has been possible not just because of the dedicated members of FOT but also the support of our parents, carers and extended Townfield community.   Supporting our fundraising events, tuck shop and ice lolly sales all contributes to the money pot! 

Plans are in the pipeline for the rest of 2022 with talk of Father Christmas visiting again and also maybe a panto visiting school! 


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How do I get involved?

If you want to get involved, please email Friends of Townfield.     For those who want to help, but are unable to offer time due to work commitments, your support by contributing to our fundraising events is the best way for you to help.   After all, without all your generous donations, FOT wouldn't be successful.   


I have a suggestion?

If you want to get involved, the best way is to join FOT.  We understand that due to busy lives, committing time is not possible for a lot of parents so if you have any suggestions or ideas, please submit any ideas  here and any ideas will be raised with the Headteacher/School during any meetings scheduled.   


FOT Events & Meetings  

Any upcoming events always feature in the school newsletter.   FOT also have various social media accounts (Instagram and Facebook), so be sure to follow and keep up to date. 

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FOT Preloved Uniform   

We are extremely proud of our Townfield uniform, which is distinguishable against other local schools.  Children can quickly outgrow uniform which still has lots of wear left.  Rather than add to landfill, we would ask that you consider donating good quality uniform items to FOT Preloved Uniform.   There are two bins located on the main playgrounds in school where you can place uniform items.   These items will be put out weekly for parents/carers to purchase for a small donation.    You can also complete a FOT Preloved Uniform Enquiry Form to request information of available items. 

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Please also look for the FOT Preloved Uniform Group on Facebook. 


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FOT Roles 

Chair - Mrs Laura Ellis  & Co-Chair - Mr Simon Wilbraham  

Treasurer - Mrs Janet McIlroy

Social Media  - Miss Haylee Dineley  (please note any social media pages linked to FOT are not set up or controlled by school)

Committee Members - active FOT members 


The most important FOT role is in the form of support.   

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Thank you for everyone who continually supports FOT's fundraising efforts.  Without you, the benefits and rewards to the children of Townfield would not be possible. 

Get in Touch

Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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