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1C Music - creating aquarium sounds

Lesson: Music

Class: 1C - Mrs Carey Year: 2023 - 2024

In music, we have been exploring some of the different elements of music such as pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo and dynamics. We have been learning how to create a piece of music that represents the different sounds that the creatures within an aquarium would make. To do this, we needed a composer to instruct us on what to do. We then used triangles, shakers, drums, Xylophones and claves to create the sounds. To do this, we needed a composer to instruct us on what to do.


Here are the lyrics to the music definitions song that we have been practising in order to remeber what the vocabulary means.

Pulse – a steady beat, running through the music
Rhythm – a pattern of long and short notes


Pitch can be high
Pitch can be low

The melody changes from high to low
To make a tune you could hum, a tune you could know

Tempo can be fast, tempo can be slow
Tempo can be fast, tempo can be fast, tempo can be fast

Or tempo can be slow

Dynamics can be quiet or loud


And texture means the many different layers of sound
Texture means the many different layers of sound, like this!

Structure is how you organise a piece of music.


Tambre means tone or quality of sound
Like how a piano sounds different to electric guitar

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