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Year 1 - 1C: Gallery

1C Maths - tens and ones

Date: 5th Mar 2022 @ 9:50am

Numbers to 40

Learning Objective - To be able to understand that digits represent tens and ones; to be able to represent numbers using Base 10 materials and numbers.


1C Science - What's growing in the garden?

Date: 5th Mar 2022 @ 8:33am

In science we have been learning all about plants.

We have had so much fun exploring how and where plants grow in the wild and have also planted our own beans.


Lesson 1 - First we had a discussion about what we thought a plant needs in order for it to grow. We recorderd our ideas on our whiteboards and then we planted our beans. We set up an a little experiment to check if our ideas of what a plant needs actually works. For this, we put a bean into 3 different pots labelelled;                                                  1, No soil, water or light.  2, No water.    3. No light.  And we observed the changes and progression of each pot over time.

Lesson 2 - We went outside to conduct a wild plant hunt. For this, we worked with a partner using our wild plants tick sheet and a tally chart to find out what the most common wild plant is around our school grounds. We learned and chanted a rhyme to help us when inputting the data on our tally chart; 1 2 3 4 shut the door (shut the door is the 5th mark). We learned that using a 5 bar gate tally makes it easier and quicker to count the frequency of plants recorded. After gathering all of our data, we then transfered our findings into a bar chart. once our bar chart was complete, we then had to analyse the data to asnwer the following questions; 

  1. What type of wild plant was the most common?
  2. What type of wild plant was the least common?
  3. What was the difference between the two?
  4. Which 2 plants had the greatest difference?

Lesson 3 -  Using the data from our tally chart, we transfered our findings into a bar chart. The X axis showed the number of plants found and the Y axis showed the plant types. Once our bar chart was complete, we then had to analyse the data to asnwer the following questions; 

  1. What type of wild plant was the most common?
  2. What type of wild plant was the least common?
  3. What was the difference between the two?
  4. Which 2 plants had the greatest difference?

Lesson 4 - This lesson was all about trees. We started the lesson with some questions to see out what we actually already knew about trees; What do you think makes a tree an evergreen? Do you know what time of year deciduous trees start to lose their leaves?  We learned that an evergreen tree stays green and does not lose it's leaves during the colder seasons but a deciduous tree's leaves change colour in the Autumn and then the it loses all of it's leaves during the winter months.

We went around our school grounds on a tree hunt. We collected leaves and identified them by matching them to the photos on our Tree Hunt Activity Sheet. We then discussed which leaf was the most common then sorted our collected leaves into columns; Everfreen and Deciduous.

Lesson 5 - This lesson was fantastic!!! we got to use magnifying glasses to observe the parts of a rose. We were able to see the parts much more clearly when using the magnifying glasses! We then sketched and labelled what we could see into our sccience boos.

Dissection Time 

We worked in groups to gently pull the rose apart, laying all the pieces of it onto a white piece of paper. We then labelled the parts: 'stem', 'roots', 'leaves' and 'flower'. The cut flowers didn't have roots so we had to draw them onto the paper. 


1C Computing - programming and giving and following directions

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 10:10pm

Our new computing unit for this term is all about programming and moving a robot.

In lesson 1 we learned about using buttons to programme a robot (Beebot). We learned how to use the control buttons to make the Beebot travel from one destination to another. We worked together to use the control buttons to make the bot move.

Once we had learned how the controls worked, we used the Beebot App on our Ipads and worked through some progressive levels. Each level had more moves and directions to make the bot get to it's final destination.

In lesson 2, we revisited the same controls to practise giving commands and directions to a partner. This was so much fun! First we gave commands such as; Hop, Lie down, sing, stand up, turn around, smile etc. Then we used directional language to direct our partner from a starting and finishing point within our classroom.



1C PE Gymnastics

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 9:50pm

In our indoor PE lesson this week, we revisited the gymnastic shapes from last week and used some of these to balance a been bag on our bodies. We had a go at the following;

  •  balance it on their head whilst standing on one foot
  • balance it on their back whilst crawling around the mats on hands and knees
  • balance it on top of their shoulder whilst walking around the mats
  • balance it on their stomach and crab walk around the mats and tense the body part holding the beanbag. 

1C Henri Matisse

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 9:36pm

In Art this week, we have been studying the work of another famous artist called Henri Matisse.

We researched facts about his life and his work and created a fact file. Similar to Andy Goldsworthy, Matisse uses natural materials in his work, in particularly, leaves. We observed his work and found that some of his art also resembles Andy Warhol's style whereby he uses complimentary and bright colours. 

Once we had researched his work, we created some of his leaf cut-out art. As you can see, this is where we incorporated our previous knowledge of Andy Warhol's work to create a pop art style piece.

We also used our newly gained knowledge to create some leaf prints using printing paint, leaves and rollers; this was fun!

The part we loved the most was incorporating the work of both Andy Goldsworthy and Henry Matisse in one piece; we used leaves to create clay sculptures! We used all of our observational skills, our senses and some sculpting tools to create a real-life effect!



1C Conjunctions

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 9:29pm

We have been learning how to use conjunctions to extend our sentences.

We took some short sentences from the Hermelin story and worked with a partner to decide which sentences could be joined together by using 'and', 'but', 'so', 'also' and 'because'. We found that the conjunction 'and' was the most common but were able to change some of the text and punctuation so that other conjumctions would be effective.


1C Maths - Length and Height

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 8:10pm

This week the children have been learning how to measure hight and lentgh using both standard and non standard units of measure. 

They explored measuring objects from around the room using paper clips and body parts (hands and feet)  as units. They learned how to correctly use vocabulary asociated with height and length such as; tall, taller, tallest, short, shorter, shortes and long, longer, longest. They gained a good understanding of the fact that non-standard units of measure act as approximate measures.

We then moved on to learning how to effctively use a ruler; beginning at 0cm, ensuring that the 0 was set right at the beginning of the object and then looking closely to see where the object ended to record the length and height using cms. The children now understand how to use the correct vocabulary in the correct contexts such as; long and short for length, and tall and short for height.



1C Computing - moving a robot

Date: 30th Jan 2022 @ 5:38pm

Computing Lesson 1

Topic - Moving a robot

Learning objectives:

  • Predict the outcome of a command on a device
  • Match a command to an outcome 
  • Run a command on a device

This lesson introduced the children to floor robots (Beebots). Together we discussed what we thought the functions of each of the button's were and then explored how they worked. We then used the Ipads to programme the beebots and direct them to a given place by using the direction command buttons, as well as clear memory and run program buttons.


1C Andy Goldsworthy Art

Date: 30th Jan 2022 @ 5:35pm

Art - Andy Goldsworthy - Land Art

Week 1 -

We first researched the work of Andy Goldsworthy and found out lots of facts about him. We used our knowledge to create a simple factfile/page. Andy Goldsworthy is a land artist who only uses natural materials that are available such as; trees, stone, leaves, wood, flowers, rocks, mud, grass, water and ice. Did you know that he once used COW POO and HUMAN HAIR in one of his sculptures?????

Once we had gained some knowledge about him and his style of work, we went out into the forest to collect a natural object that we later used for our observational drawings. For this we needed to look very closely at the shape, texture, composition and colour of our object and use both shading and different pencil pressures to create effect and tone.

After this, we went back into the forest to create some land art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. We observed the common shapes and materials that he appeared to enjoy using the most. We LOVED this activity! You will be able to see in the photographs just what we have remembered and included in our work.

1C Gymnastics shapes

Date: 23rd Jan 2022 @ 7:41pm

This week in PE we have been learning how to develop gymnastics shapes. We had to squeexe our muscles to make them feel hard and tense. This made our shapes look more professional. We also had to point our toes and hold our shapes for 5 seconds. We were very good making sure we tried our best and we also worked well in teams. .

We learned how to to the following shapes;

 Tuck                                      Pike           

Straddle                              Dish          


Star                              Arch      


Date: 23rd Jan 2022 @ 7:35pm

This week we have been exploring shapes and patterns.

We started off by exploring solid shapes by handling them and naming them. We then went on a walk to identify the shapes within our environment. Once we had completed this episode of learning, we used our knowledge and understanding to draw some objects, name them and label the name of the 3D shape.

In our next lesson we explored 2D shapes. We revisited the names of some regular, common 2D shapes then learned all about their properties. We then went on to draw 2D shapes, we labelled them by name and by their properties (number of sides and number of corners).

In lesson 3, we grouped a selction of 2D shapes according  their colour, size, properties and names.

In lesson 4, we had to draw upon what we had learned about 2D shapes and create patterns. We are now able to create and explain our patterns (some in simple terms and some in more advanced terms) E.G. Cirle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle  ... and Big red square, Little yellow circle, Big blue rectangle, Big red square, Little yellow and so on. circle, Big blue rectangle, 

lesson 5 - we cut out some 2D shapes, cut them in half, mixed them up and had to glue them back together in our books and label them with their correct shape names. This was a lot of fun!!

All of the class achieved to learning objectives and enjoyed every activity.


1C Hermelin

Date: 22nd Jan 2022 @ 11:56am

Our new book for this term in English is called Hermelin the mouse detective.

Image result for hermelin the detective mouse

You can find out more about the book by clicking the link below.

We begin by immersing the children into the story without actually showing them the book.

We used props ( typwriter, map, binoculars, magnifying glass, pencil, chesse and envelopes) and illustrations to find out clues about the main character.  The Children came up with some fantastic ideas; They thought the character might be an explorer, a detective, a mouse catcher, a traveller, a writer or a police man! We explored the props and illustrations and used both inference skills to answer questions about what was going on in the picture and posed questions to find out more about the character. The children hot seated the teacher (who was in role of the main character). They asked their questions and the teacher answered the question without giving away who the character actually was.


1C Geography - What is weather?

Date: 22nd Jan 2022 @ 11:19am

Our topic for geography this term has been all about weather. The lines of enquiry included;

What is weather?  How does it affects our lives?  How does the weather changes through the seasons?     What activities and celebrations do we engage in throughout the seasons? Is the weather forcasts are reliable? What are the different weather symbols and what do they mean? How and why is the weather different around the world? How are both the Sahara Desert and the Antarctica both deserts when they are so different?

We used video footage and discussions to find out about the seasons; how they change and how they affect our lives. Drawing upon our knowledge and ideas, we created a seasons picture that included; activities, weather conditions, feelings such as (Winter - Christmas, Snow, cold, excitement, bare, freezing etc). Then we explored some famous artists impressions of weather conditions and discussed how the art made us feel, what seasons were being portrayed and how we could tell. 

We went outside to explore what the weather was like by using our observational skills. We looked around and found clues that would tell us what the conditions were like on a particular day. We looked at trees, grass, leaves and felt rocks to see if they were wet or dry. we gathered some of the items from the outdoors and used them to create a piece of art that inluded vocabulary to describe the weather such as, autumnal colours, tectures, feelings etc.  

We looked at how meteoroligists forecast the weather. We learned about wind speed and direction and how using a wind sock can measure this, cloud coverage is measured using an Oktas scale and rain fall is measured using a rain gauge. After all of this learning, we explored weather forcasts. Over the week, we looked out at the weather and recorded our observations, we then used the BBC weather forecast to compare and see if the forecast was reliable. We found that the only parts of the weather forecast that were slightly different from our observations were the temperature and the wind speed.

We then looked at maps of the world to explore what the weather was like in each of the countries. To enable us to do this, we needed to learn all about how to use a key. We really enjoyed this lesson and found out about why the weather differs depending on how close or far away from the equator the countries are.

Our final lesson was all about comparing the Sahara and the Antarctica. We found out that they have lots similarities AND differences! They are bothe deserts but one is hot and one is cold, one is covered in sand and one is covered in ice. They are both dry, both have storms and both have very few residents.


KS1 Hobgoblin Theatre Visit

Date: 12th Jan 2022 @ 10:03pm

Today (12.1.22), the Hobgoblin Theatre visited Townfield and put on a wonderful and very funny production for us about fairytales.

Have a look at the photos of the production.

1CMaths - Partitioning and recombining numbers to 20

Date: 31st Dec 2021 @ 6:41pm

In Maths this week we have been exploring numbers to 20. Most of us are able to recognise and write the numbers but did not realise that these numbers are made up of 2 digits and that they have ......... A HIDDEN 10!

To help us understand this concept, we first used manipulatives to create the number 13 using only a ten frame. We discovered that there were more than 10 objects so 3 had to sit outside of the ten frame. We then had some coloured cards containing single digit numbers and the number 10 on our tables. We chose one of each and looked at them seperately then placed them together. Once we understaood that 13 is made up of one 10 and 3 ones, we were able to journal our understanding by drawing a part part whole model, a partitioned number sentence and then were able to see how recombining the numbers created the the original 2 digit numbers. AMAZING!!!!

1C Science investigation - Is the oldest always the tallest person?

Date: 31st Dec 2021 @ 6:32pm

Science enquiry - We wanted to find out if the oldest person in our class was infact the tallest (not including our teacher).

First we all got into a line and then moved into age order. We then labelled the oldest child and the youngest child. Some of us moved out of the line so that we could observe and discuss what we could see. We used measuring tapes to measure the oldest and the youngest children and recorded our results on our whiteboards. We then collated all of the data to enable us to answer the question. We discovered that the answer to the question was NO! Because our oldest child was not the tallest in the class.

1C DT Sliders and Levers

Date: 31st Dec 2021 @ 6:11pm

Mechanisms - sliders and pivots 

We begaun our Dt unit by exploring a variety of books and cards that have moving parts. We had a discussion about what the books were, who they were aimed at, what they were for and how the parts moved. We discoved that sliders can move up and down or side to side and pivots can rotate and move in a curve. Once we had explored how the mechanisms worked, we had a go at making our own pivots and sliders.

First we created a pivot by cutting out the two parts of a pair of paper scissors and we placed them together using a split pin. The split pin allowed the two part to move in a curved manner enabling us to make our own pair of moving paper scissors. We then had a go at making a slider using card. For this we needed to decide the direction we wished our slider to move (up and down or side to side). We got a piece of card and cut a long strip from the side, then we udsed a hole punch to make some holes and folds then cut along the lines to create the 'slits' for the slider. This was not easy, but with practise, determination and a little help from our friends, we did it!

From this, we had to decide what mechanisms we would like to use to make a moving Christmas card. We then looked at different types of moving cards and then used some of the ideas to designed our own, but before we could actually make our card we needed to make a prototype just to make sure our ideas worked (All designers do this you know). We then used all of our knowledge and skills to make our very own moving cards! We looked carefully at our designs and prototypes to ensure that we made any necessary tweaks so that our finished product was exactly how we wanted it to be. Once completed, no card is complete without a bit of sparkle! So we added LOTS of glitter! Sorry!!

1C Yoga

Date: 31st Dec 2021 @ 6:01pm

As part of our yoga unit in PE, we learnt how to create stretching poses linked to the Wild, Wild West! Our poses included; the cow, the cactus, the dog, the cowgirl, the tumbleweed and the snake. I wonder if you can idemtify the poses in our pictures?

1C Christmas

Date: 31st Dec 2021 @ 5:54pm

What fun we have had this festive period. On Christmas jumper day, we enjoyed a lovely Christmas lunch with our friends, served by our own year 1 teachers. We pulled crackers, wore party hats and sang along to the Christmas songs being played in the background. Our teachers also sat with us to eat their Christmas dinner too.

We had a visit from Father Christmas who came round to visit our classrooms with his special friend Rudolph and we each received a fabulous story book as a gift.

We made Christmas cards for our loved ones, played party games; music chairs, music bumps, musical statues, Father Christmas says and pass the parcel, We won lots pf prizes and even ate our party food in the classroom with our teachers. 


1C Maths - Positions

Date: 6th Dec 2021 @ 9:11pm

During our 'positions' unit in maths, we explored and learnt all about the positions that you can come in a race, be in a queue and where in a line you can be standing. We went outside and had races, we ordered our friends using their ordinal numbers, we looked at some pictorial representations and had discussions and we put a group of people in their correct positions in a bus queue.

We have been looking at how we order a group of people into a queue and recording what position they are in based on who they are next to, behind, infront of and inbetween. We also used this knowledge to name their positions from both from the left and the right.

We are now able to say what position a person is when they are waiting for a bus, waiting for a fairground ride, running in a race etc.


1C PE - passing, keeping possession, dribbling and defending

Date: 6th Dec 2021 @ 9:00pm

In our outdoor PE lessons, we have been learning how to control a ball with our feet. We have been practising how to use the inside of our foot to pass the ball to a partner using control and coordination. Once we got the hang of this, we learnt how to dribble a ball and try to keep possesiion. We then had a go at attacking and defending a scoring a goal against an oposition.


1C Science - Humans including animals - Lesson 2

Date: 6th Dec 2021 @ 8:27pm

Using our senses

In today's lesson we learnt all about our seenses, which body part is used for each sense and how the senses work. 

We had 5 different stations set up in our classroom that enabled us to use each of our senses;

Smelling station - we had to use our sense of smell to try and itentify what was in the pots. Did we guess them correctly? We got some of them right. Some of them smelt nice but some were stinky. The items in the pots were - chocolate, lemon, blue cheese, coffee, mint sauce and vinegar.

Touch station - there were items inside a feely bag that we needed to use our sense of touch to feel and think of what the items were without peeking - the items included were pom poms, shells, rocks, fabric, rubber, leaves.

Sight station - this station had a variety of objects that we closely observed using magnifying glasses. We then wrote some adjectives to describe the objects in detail (shiny, rough, bumpy, scratchy, smooth, soft etc).

Listening station - there were pots with items inside that we had to shake and listen to. We then had to tray and guess what the items were. We recorded our ideas onto a sheet of paper. (rocks, coins, shells, leaves, popcorn, rice).

Tasting station - we had six different items of food to taste, we had to have a little nibble of each of the foods so that we could actually taste them. We then had to use an adjective to describe each taste and record whether we liked it or not. The foods were, salt and vinegar crisps, rocket, chocolate, toothpaste lemon and ginger. We used a variety of vocabulary such as; sour, sweet, creamy, soft, spicy, hot, minty, grassy, yummy, yucky etc.

At the end of the lesson, we discussed the findings of the investigations and the true identity of the objects were revealed. We then had to discuss these questions:

-Did we guess correctly?

-Which sense did we find the hardest/easiest to use?

-Did anything affect our ability to use our senses during the experiments?


1C Science - Animals including humans

Date: 6th Dec 2021 @ 8:21pm

Lesson 1 of our Animals including humans science topis saw the children labelling the different parts of the human body.

First we had a quick quiz where we had to point the the body part that the teacher called out. we then wrote out some labels and worked in groups to label one of our classmate's body. This was so much fun!!

We then used the outline of a body to label the body parts with a partner.


1C Rapunzel

Date: 6th Dec 2021 @ 7:53pm

Traditional tales (Rapunzel)

This term the children have been enjoying the traditional tale of Rapunzel.

We began the unit by having a visit from a mystery character! The character had visited our classroom and left behind some glitter, a black, pointy hat, a coudren, a spell book and a broom. They had left our classroom window open and there were glittery footprints left outside!.Once we checked the school cameras, we noticed that it was a witch who had visited us. Was this a good witch? A bad witch? A witch looking for somewhere to stay? We had lots of questions that we wanted to ask the witch so we wrote them all down.

We then moved on to look at the characters in our new book (Rapunzel). Together, we decided that the witch was an unkind and selfish character because she locked poor Rapunzel in a tall, dark tower. We used lots of adjectives to describe the characters, emotions to describe how they were feeling and also compared them to other good and bad characters from other traditional tales.

We explored new vocabulary from the text and used these words in our sentences. Then we looked at a model text called Dexter and the Troll. This text had lots of similarities to the Rapunzel story; there was an unkind troll who trapped poor Dexter in his own cave. He made Dexter eat rotten soup with toenails in it!

Exploring both texts enabled us to  become familiar with the structure of the texts and understand that traditional tales are stories about a good character overcoming a bad character. 

Using all of this knowledge, were able to identify that the stories had 5 main parts; 

  1. Introducing the kind character and where they live
  2. Bad character traps good character and is unkind
  3. Kind character gets treated badly
  4. The good character makes a plan
  5. The good character escapes

The children had to work together in groups and read the 5 statements about each part of the Dexter story. Through discussion, they had to place them in the correct order (see below).

Sequence Activity
1 Dexter is a boy with blue eyes and black hair.
2 Dexter is trapped in a cave.
3 Dexter is made to make troll soup and told he
can never leave.
4 Dexter decides to make a plan with his rat friend to
5 Dexter and the rat make troll soup and escapes.

After putting them in order, the children had to re-enacted the story through role-play and freeze framing to represent each part of the story. 

We have thoroughly enjoyed both of the above texts and have even planned and wriiten our own traditional stories. Our stories will be posted on our class page once they are completed.


1C Andy Warhol Art

Date: 5th Dec 2021 @ 9:28pm

In Art this term we have been studying the famous artist Andy Warhol. We have been learning lots of facts about his work including, the media he used, the techniques that he used, the famous icons that he painted, how he used repeated images to create his 'Pop Art'.

We have really enjoyed this topic because we have learnt all about portraits. We have studied our faces using mirrors, taken digital images of ourselves and used these to sketch and create colourful self portraits in the style of Andy Warhol.

We have been learning all about,                                                                                                                         

  • colours; hot, cold, contrasting and complimentary,
  • textures to create mood using pressure, 
  • use of different media to create the desired effcts - paint, pencils, wax crayons and oil pastels.

Once we had explored all of the above, we chose our favourite complimentary and contrasting colours to create our repeated image self portrait pop art!


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