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Year 1 - 1C: Gallery

1C Computing - programming a bot

Date: 20th Mar 2024 @ 9:33pm

In computing, we have been learning what the buttons on a floor bart, what each button is called and what the functions are. Once we became familiar with the functions, we programmed the bot to move using a 2 step command. Once we mastered this, we used more complex commands invloving more steps.


We also used these skills to meve a Beebot on our Ipads.


Food Bank Charles Thompson Mission Charity

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 4:10pm

We have been blown away by the amount of food that the families of Townfield have generously donated to Charles Thompson Mission charity! When the donations were collected on Tuesday, the volunteers from the charity said that our school had provided the biggest harvest that they had received this year! We thank you all very much for your ongoing support and generosity. You have helped so many people in need this harvest season.


1C Quidditch Day

Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 8:39pm

Wow what another fantastic day at Townfield!
Today we had a team of quidditch coaches come to our school. We started off the day with an assembly where we were each allocated a number from 1-4. The magical sorting hat began to speak and it sorted us all into 4 different house teams; Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Yes! Just like Harry Potter! The coaches taught us about the game; how to play, how to score, attack and defend and then took us out to practise some of the skills needed to actually play the game. Here we were introduced to the different types of balls and what they were for (Quaffle, Bludger and Golden Snitch), the different positions and the different types of players (Chasers, Beaters, Keepers and Seekers). THEN...... we played! It was so much fun! At the end of the game, our teachers had to wear a belt with golden ribbons on it - they were the golden snitches! We had to chase the golden snitch around the pitch and try to steal the ribbons. The teachers were pretty competitive haha. At the end of the day, the whole school went back down to the field to watch the final match and cheer the teams on. The coaches kept the scores of all of our games and we had a celebration assembly at the end of the day. This was where we found out which house won over all but other awards were also given out; best beater of the day, best chaser of the day, best keeper of the day and best golden snitch of the day.





1C Poet Visit

Date: 11th Jul 2022 @ 8:13pm

Poet Visit

On Friday, 8th July, we were very lucky to have the published Poet, Andy Tooze come into our school.

He came and spent some time in our classroom to talk about how and why he became a poet. He chose some of us to come out to the front and choose one of his books. He then let us look through the book and choose a poem for him to read out. He was so funny, we laughed throughout the whole session. He can even make up hilarious poems really quickly.  



1C Aspirational Sports Carousel

Date: 3rd Jul 2022 @ 12:26pm

Thursday 30th June 2022                  ASPIRATIONAL SPORTS CAROUSEL

Today we had the most amazing and exciting day jam packed with LOTS of different types of sports. What a day it was! We all moved from one activity to another and we were never stood still. Every child in the school was involved at all times throughout the whole day.

Year 1 started their day off with an African dance session. During this highly energetic session, the children were fully immersed in the experience and were taught some of the different traditional African dance moves native to this wonderfully vibrant and diverse culture. This was so much fun! But, it wasn't as easy as it looks. To have a look at some videos please see below.

Picture1.png   Picture2.png

We then went on to the playground to learn some cricket skills. Jaydon, who is a South African first team cricket player taught us how to throw over-arm and under-arm. He also showed us how to have our hands ready and to keep our eyes on the ball so that we could catch it.

Picture1.png       Picture2.png

After cricket we went down to the field where we met with Pete. He is a rugby coach at Birkenhead Rugby Club. He taught us how to pass and catch a rugby ball - this is a different throw compared to other sports such as netbal and basketball etc. He told us that we have to hold it like a tub of water and pass it as if we are going to get our team mate wet!!! Once we had practised these skills, he then explained the rules of the game and we had a go! This was tricky. We got into two teams and had a mini match, we had to pass the ball to a member of our team and then run as fast as we could without getting caught. If a member of the the opposing team  tagged us, we had to give the ball to them. If you didn't get tagged and you made it to the line, that is then called a try!!! (which is a point). Pete said that we really got stuck in and we played exceptionally well.

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We were all getting hot and tired, so we went inside for a little break. We had snack, a drink and a visit to the toilet before staring our Yoga session.


After this we went back to the playground for a game of netball. We have never tried netball before so this was new to us. First we were shown how to pass a ball to a team mate and how to score a goal. We then got into two teams and practised our skills. We really didn't think that we would be able to score many goals due to the netball post being so high, but, we scored LOADS!!!! We learned how to attack and defend in order to keep and take the ball from the other team. We really enjoyed netball. Thank you Miss Rowe for teaching us.

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Well, we had certainly worked up an apetite, so thankfully, it was time for lunch. We had our lunch in our classrooms, we had a lunch bag supplied by the kitchen staff that contained a yummy sandwich, a cool fruit juice, a piece of fruit, a packet of crisps, a cookie and a sneaky little freddo (for energy of course) Thank you Mrs Evans and the team.

Once lunch time was done, we headed out into the forest for our woodland session. Here we had to choose a card from three piles; an action, a compass direction and a number. For example, South, 15, star jumps. We had to check the compass and turn to face the correct direction and complete 15 star jumps. We did lots of different physical challenges such as; front and back lunges, hops, squats, star jumps and many more. After this we had a bit of free play using the trim trail. Thank you Mrs Hancox.

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After this fun time, we headed down to the field to learn how to play rounders. Mrs Carey and Miss Butler demostrated how to bowl, bat a ball, score a rounder, field, back stop and defend the bases. We got into two teams and first had a practise. Mrs Carey was the bowler and we all had a turn of the other roles. We had a fabulous time and we got Mrs Carey out because she didn't keep her eye on the ball!

Picture15.png   Picture16.png

Next, we travelled to the other side of the field where we engaged in some athletics activities. We did javelin, shotput, relay races and sprint races (the ipad ran out of battery for our races tut!)

Picture17.png    Picture18.png


Our final event was with Jaydon Paddock. He is a TEAM GB GOLD MEDALIST in Gymnastics!! He is a tumbler and he is only 20 years old!! He was such an inspiration. First he told us all about how he became a tumbler and how he got to the level that he is at. He talked about the importance of being reslient, brave, determined, hardworking, dedicated, motivated and having a good attitude. He also explained how a good diet and rest also play a vital role in an athletes progression. We than had a Q&A session where we found out lots more about him, and he showed us his gold medal and Mrs Carey had her photograph taken!. THEN...... He did a backflip! It was SO high and fast! It was amazing! Our final stage of his visit was a circuit training session with Jaydon himself. He gave us a little taster of what some of his daily workouts involve. For video footage, please see below.

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What a fabulous day we had!!! Here are some quotes from the children;

"This is the best day of my life"

"I have had so much fun today, I love sport now"

"Can we do this again on another day?"

"I hope this is what our PE lessons are going to be like from now on!"

"I want to do Rugby after school now"











1C Florence Nightingale

Date: 22nd Jun 2022 @ 9:19pm

This term in history, we have been studying the work of Florence Nightingale.

We have researched; who she is, where she was from, what she did and how she changed nursing for the better.

From studying her life, we have learned what qualities a good nurse needs such as being; kind, caring, patient, skilled, a good listener, respectful, hard working, resilient and being hygienic.

We have also been able to make comparisons surrounding what both hospitals and nursing during the 1800s and now.

Today, we had a visitor. A real life, modern day nuse who works in Arrowe Park Hospital came into our class to answer the questions that we had raised about what it is like to be a modern day nure. Here are some of the questions we asked; Why did you want to be a nurse? What is it like being a nurse? How did you keep the people safe during the pandemic (this helped us comapre how nursing and hospitals were during the pandemic and the Crimean war), How did you help the patients stay in contact with their families during the pandemic? What do you have to do to become a nurse? 

Lyndsey was lovely, she answered all of our questions in great detail and we will be able to use her answers to compare Florence Nightingale's experiences with a modern day nurse's in our next lesson.





1C sun awareness

Date: 22nd Jun 2022 @ 8:56pm

We are very prepared for summer. We have a good understanding of how to keep ourselves and eachother safe in the sun.

As you can see we are able to;

Apply our own suncream to prevent us from getting burnt.

Make sure we wear our hats to protect our heads.

Some of us have sunglasses to protect our delicate eyes from the brightness of the sun.

Play in the shade if we get too hot.

We all know how important it is to drink plenty of fluids to keep ourselves hydrated.

And eat a healthy snack to fuel our brains.

IMG_2034.JPG    IMG_2035.JPG   IMG_2036.JPG    IMG_2037.JPG


1C Team building and athletics in the sunshine

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 8:40pm

Today we took advantage of the lovely weather and went down to the field. We had our PE lesson and played some team building some games. We played Duck, Duck, Goose, Stuck in the mus and Follow the Leader using balancing, bending, running, changing direction and agility skills.




1C Gunta Stolzl

Date: 20th Jun 2022 @ 7:18pm

Gunta Stolzl - Weaving

This term we have been learning all about an artist called Gunta Stolzl, a German textile artist who played a fundamental role in the development of the Bauhaus school's weaving workshop. As the Bauhaus' only female master she created enormous change within the weaving department as it transitioned from individual pictorial works to modern industrial designs.

We started off this unit by studying the her work and creating a fact file. We then had a go at creating our own looms using a sheet of paper and cutting strips of paper to practise weaving in and out, under and over.

As our topic was all about the seaside, we explored what the environment looks like beneath the ocean and sketched our very own under the sea scene in our sketch books using sketching pencils, oil pastels and coloured pencils. We then used this design to choose different colured and textured fabricks to actually weave our under the se scence.

Once this was completed, we observed our sketches and created sea creatures using felt, googley eyes and sequins. For this had to ensure that we studied the shapes of the creatures and choose fabricks that would capture the textures of the creatures too.

We absolutelty loved this unit of work!











1C Jubilee celebrations

Date: 6th Jun 2022 @ 6:56pm

Date: 27th May 2022 @ 6:22pm                                              Jubilee Day At Townfield


What an extremely enjoable we had today! Wow!!! FOT parents, you did such an amazing job and we are very greatful. 

Our day of fun-filled events began with a magician who did such fabulous tricks! We then went along to visit a petting zoo where we got to meet and hold some beautiful animals; a bearded dragon, a magnificent owl, a very hairy tarantula (Which Mrs carey was terrified of!), a snake, achinchilla and a silky tree frog! What a treat! After this we went to have a quick play and a snck and then went out onto the playground where we were greeted by an array of activities such as; tattoos and face paints, jewellery making, noughts and crosses, jenga, put the crown on the Queen, play your cards right and guess the lock code. After that, we had a scavenger hunt in the forest for the Queen's lost Crown Jewels.

For lunch we had hotdogs, chips and cookies and then went to do Alice in Wonderland activities in the hall and then we went down to the field to be greeted with yet more amazing activities such as; beat the goalie, duck fishing, coconut shy, obstacle courses and some free play. Finally, we had party games in class and finished the day with an ice lolly and a well earned 5 minute rest! We all received  a certificate and jubilee badge to take home. This was a day that we will never forget! One child said "This is the best day of my life!" another said "I wish we could do this every day, it has been so much fun!" 








1C History Lesson 5 and 6

Date: 3rd Apr 2022 @ 5:06pm

Lesson 4 objective; Who desreves to be remembered more, Sir Christopher Wren or Samuel Pepys?

In this lesson we revisited what we had learned about Samuel Pepys and how his recording of all of the events of the Great Plague and the Great Fire of London in his diary helped historians learn about the two events. We also revisited our learning about Sir Christopher Wren's plans and designs to rebuild London after the Great Fire. Mrs Carey told us that there was an opening space in the History museum for only one famous person. We discussed both men's legacies and had to decide who's artefacts deserved to be displayed. 

SO, to include our British Values, we conducted a democratic vote; we had to choose either Sir Christopher Wren or Samuel Pepys. To help us decide, two of our class mates got into role and argued about why they should be chosen, their job was to influence our votes by explaining why they deserved to be rembered more. We then had a ballot paper to choose our vote and our votes were counted. Sir Christopher Wren got the majority vote.

Lesson 6 objective; Was the Great Fire of Londong a positive or a negative event?

In this lesson we discussed all of the positives and the negatives;

Negatives; there was no fire brigade, the houses were made of wood and were too close together, people were made homeless because insurance had not been created yet, over 13000 houses burnt down and six people lost their lives.

Positives; The fire brigate was created, buildings were rebuilt using brick and stone,  insurance was created, miraculously, only 6 people died (it could have been so much worse), the fire wiped out the plague and lots of new churches and cathedrals were built for Christians to visit. 

1C History Lesson 3 and 4

Date: 3rd Apr 2022 @ 4:34pm

Lesson 3 objective: explain why the fire spred so quickly.

In this lesson we got into teams and had to discuss the reasons why the Great Fire of London spread so quickly. We then had to record our ideas on post-it notes and race against the other teams to see who could post the most facts within a specified time limit. The rules of our quiz were; only 1 person allowed to write at one time, only one person from the team allowed out of their seets and the next person could not leave the table until the other runner had returned and was sat down. This was great fun! We were able to recall lots of facts from our previous lesson.

We used all of our newly learned knowledge to records the reasons in our books.

Lesson 4 objective: Create a plan of what London should look like after the Great Fire.

In this lesson learned all about Sir Christopher Wren and his plans to rebuild a safer London after the Great Fire.We looked at the features that he included in his plans then studied and compared an old map of London to a new map of London and discussed the differences. We then set about creating our own plans of how London should be set out,; ensuring that we considered Sir Christopher Wren's criteria ( wider, straighter roads to enable trucks to travel through, round- abouts to enable fire trucks to turn around, houses made of bricks and stone, building not too close to the river and the house not being built too close together).

1C English - Sequencing and re-writing a story

Date: 3rd Apr 2022 @ 4:07pm

Lesson onbjectice: Sequence and re-write the story of Where The Wild Things Are.

We listened to the story again and the used our knowledge to sequence a set of pictures from the book. Once we had placed the pictures into the correct order, we then had a go and re-writing the story. We tried to remeber to include some noun phrases, conjunctions and newly learned vocabulary.

1C No outsiders

Date: 28th Mar 2022 @ 8:22pm


The vision for No Outsiders is inclusive education promoting community cohesion to prepare young people for life as global citizens. Children are taught there are no outsiders in our schools because everyone is welcome.

Today we read the book Want to Play Trucks? by Ann Scott and Bob Graham. The story is about two boys; Jack, a boy who likes to play with trucks and Alex who prefers to play with dolls. The pair meet in the sandpit at the park every morning and the book explores how they put their differences aside to play nicely together.

Image result for want to play trucks by ann stott and bob graham

Some of the questions we explored were; Thw two boys have different toys, how are the toys different? Why does Jack say "want to play trucks?" When Alex puts his doll into Jack's truck, why doesn't Jack so "no?" Jack and Alex argue about the crane driver wearing a tutu, what is the reason Jack gives? What is Alex's solution? What do they both agree on?

We were then given a toy/object from a box and had to work with a partner to create a new game using the two objects/toys. Some of the combinations were; a piece of string and a tennis ball, a doll and a car, a dinosaur and a doll, a train and a sheep, a teddy bunny and a train, a car and a ball. With our partners, we used our imagination to role-play some fabulous games, we realised that the actual objects could be used in so many different ways. We had so much fun! once we had played with a variety of objects and different partners, we had a discussion about the following questions; What have we learned from Alex and Jack? Why doesn't Jack tell Alex to go and play somewhere else? Do you think Jack and Alex would allow others to join in their game? What makes you think this? 

What do we say about different children playing different games at our school? -

"It doesn't matter what people like, they can still play with us",

"We can use our imagination to make a game so noone is left out",

No outsiders means not leaving anyone out no matter what".

1C English - Where The Wild Things Are week 2

Date: 26th Mar 2022 @ 12:26pm

This week we have been exploring the text. We have listened to the story, role-played it, used new vocabulary from the text and written sentences which included noun phrases. We have also written our own poems using just verbs and nouns;

Shimmering moon,

Dancing monsters,

Gnashing teeth, 

Swaying trees,

Twinkling stars,

 We then sequenced the pictures from the story and next week we are going to re-writing the sotory ourselves!




1C PE Dance - Pirate Dance

Date: 26th Mar 2022 @ 12:22pm

THEME: Pirates

  Learning Objective  To copy, remember and repeat actions that represent the theme.

First we needed to learn and practise some actions . We had to imagine that we had a telescope in our hands. On the spot, we looked in different directions with our telescopes in two different directions, each time changing the direction we looked after 4 counts. Total 8 counts. We had to use big movements, moving from high to low and side to side.

We then marched in any direction we wanted for counts 1-4. Counts 5 and 6, we had to stamp one foot, make a fist with one hand and swung it across our body. Counts 7 and 8, we stamped with the opposite foot, made a fist with the opposite hand and swung it across our body. Total 8 counts.

Next we had to turn to the right, imagine we were pulling the sails, pulling one hand down then the next for counts 1, 2 and 3. On count 4, we jumped and turned to face the opposite direction and  Repeated counts 5,6,7 with the pulling action, and jump count 8. We repeated this twice, totalling 16 counts. Bending our knees as we pulled the sail down, on the spot moving from high to low. Jumping and turning in the air to face the opposite direction.

After that, we had to take one big step to the side, leaning allof our body weight to one side, and twisting our arms to the side, as if steering a ship, for 4 counts. Repeating this by leaning to the other side for 4 counts. Repeated twice, totalling 16 counts Transfering our weight to the side that we were leaning to.

Then we used a stepping movement to one side for 4 counts, imagining we were sweeping the floor, then a stepping movement to sweep to the other side. Repeating the stepping movement travelling forwards for 4 counts, then backwards for 4 counts. We used our arms to show a sweeping action.

Finally, we had to think about how we would travel if we were walking a plank. We did 16 counts of walking the plank in a straight line, wobbling from side to side, one foot in front of the other, using expression to show being nervous or scared with a big jump at the end!

Once all of these moves were practised a few times, we had to remember and put them together to create a dance. This was so much fun!! Even Mrs Loftus' son joined in with us!

1C English - Where The Wild Things Are

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 9:01pm

Lesson 1 - Making predictions about a text

Immersion into a text - there were some props from a story that had arrived into our classroom! There was a boat, an invitation to a wild rumpus, a crown and a wolf suit. We found out that the items were all taken from a story that we are going to be sharing at a later stage. We examined the items and discussed who they may belong to, what they may be used for, what clues they may give about our new story and who might use the items. We worked in pairs to discuss and record our ideas. What is a wild rumpus? We found out that this is a party, possibly in a wild place such as a zoo, a forest, a jungle, out at sea or a desert!

We then examined the details within the invitation. We discussed who it was addressed to (us, Year 1), what it was inviting us to ( a wild rumpus), where the rumpus was being held (where the Wild Things are), and when it was taking place (tomorrow). We learned what RSVP (respondez s'l vous plait - Please reply) means and thought of some ideas that we could write when replying to this invitation. In our reply, we included Dear Wild Things, we thanked them for the invite and accepted and then included some questions such as; Can I bring a friend? What type of food will there be? What type of cake will there be? Who else will be there? What time does it start? 

We then thought of some ideas of what we would wear to the rumpus and included these in our reply (this was a great way to include some noun phreases such as; Long, stripey trousers and a frilly blouse, Bright red, sparkly dress with a white cardigan and a Spiderman suite with shiny, black boots).

1C History Lesson 1

Date: 17th Mar 2022 @ 8:32pm

The Great Fire of London

Lesson 1 - What was the Great Fire of London?

The children were first presented with an old leather bucket containing the following items;

A scroll - IMG_1004(1).JPG         A quill - IMG_1005(1).JPG    Baked bread - IMG_1008(1).JPG    and a candle holder - IMG_1006.JPG  

We discussed what the items were and what they would be used for. We then observed and talked about a scorched item of clothing and a piece of burned wood. The children made connections with the items being possibly burned in a fire and that this may have happed in the past.

We then researced further and discovered that there was a famous fire in London that took place in the year of 1666. It started in a bakery in Pudding Lane which was owned by a man called Thomas Farriner. The fire was so big, it was named The Great Fire of London. The fire lasted for 4 days and burned down over 13000 homes. Miraculously, only 6 deaths were ever recorded!.

After learning lots of interesting yet surprising facts, the children went to work in groups to generate some enquiry based questions that they would like to ask the teacher. The questions needed to be open ended questions so that they could gain further information about the fire and the events surrounding this tragic event. Some of the questions asked were;

Who started the fire?                                                                                                                                              How did they put the fire out if there were no fire engines?                                                                                  Why did the fire spread so far?                                                                                                                              What did they use to put the fire out?                                                                                                                    Where did the people go to escape the fire?                                                                                                          When did it all end?

We then used role play to see what it may have been like to tray and put a fire out with only a bucket and a line of helpers.

1C PE - Dance

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 9:31pm

Learning Objective

THEME: Trees and Leaves

To remember and repeat actions and respond imaginatively to a stimulus.

Success Criteria
Use a change of direction and speed to make your dance look interesting.
Use clear actions to help to tell the story.
For today's lesson we practised some simple movements to include in our performance.                                    First we were a seed all curled up on in the ground. Then we began to grow some shoots and roots and continued to grow in time with the beat of the music (on a count of 8). We then stretched up tall amd swayed in the gentle breeze until the wind picked up and we had to change the speed of our movements.
Next we used our bodies to imagine that we were a leaf falling from a tree. Swaying and twirling gently to the ground until a gust of wing throws us into a swirling whirling motion. Once the wind died down, we swayed back to the ground.
Then we put all of our movements together to create a sequenced and performed  to a piece of music. We had to listen carefully to the tempo of the music whilst moving to a count of 8 in order to porteay the different parts of the dance.

Creating the dance:

  1. A seed curled up on the floor, growing to a tree -16 counts.
  3. Swaying in the wind - 8 counts.
  5. Leaf falling from the tree, including two changes of direction - 16 counts.
  7. A big gust of wind and travelling around the space as chosen by the pupils for 16 counts.
  9. The leaf landing on the floor to finsih.

1C DT - Making a fruit salad

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 8:54pm

Today was our next part of our fruit sald DT unit. W e had special catering visitors in school today who showed us how to peels, deseed and cut fruit up safely. We practised using a knife safely buy using our fingers as a bridge to secure the fruit and protect our fingers whilst cutting. We learned all about hygiene procedures when preparing fruits; washing hands, washing the fruit (as it grows on plants and trees), making sure our table washed down beforehand, ensuring that we did not lick our fingers or pick our noses whilst preparing the fruit and if some fell onto the floor, we put it into the bin!

We really enjoyed cutting up the fruits and choosing what we would like to include in our very own fruit salads. Once we had cut up all of the fruits, we placed them into a bowl and then ATE our fruit salad ALL UP!

They were absolutely delicious!

1C computing Data and information Lesson 1

Date: 7th Mar 2022 @ 8:23pm

Lesson 1 - Label and Match


In this lesson, we have been learning to understand that objects have many different labels that can be used to put them into groups. We named different objects and have begun to experiment with placing them into different groups. We also labelled a group of objects, and are beginning to understand that an object can fit into more than one group depending on the context.

Learning objectives

To label objects

  • I can describe objects using labels
  • I can match objects to groups
  • I can identify the label for a group of objects

Key vocabulary

Object, label, group, search, image

For our first activty, we had to find some labels around our classroom. We were surprised at just how many there are!

For our second activity, we looked at how computers show groups of images and learned that computers do not know what a cat, dog, bus or tree is, the computer doesn’t recognise that the images are these objects; it is showing the images because a human gave the image a label, like those that we found around the classroom.

Next we had to find and group objects from around our room to match the labels that were being displayed; things that we can write with, things that we can play with and things that we can eat.

For the third activity, we practised using a computer mouse to move images into the correct groups and then finally completed a matching activity sheet. 

1C World Book Day

Date: 5th Mar 2022 @ 10:26am

Today we all came to school dressed up in our favourite book characters. Some of even brought the book containing our favourite character. Due to the fact that we were all dressed up in beautiful costume, we did not go into the forest for our woodland learning session so we di some world book day activities inside.

We even did our RWI sessions all dressed up. This was fun!

1C DT Exploring fruit

Date: 5th Mar 2022 @ 10:22am

Fruit Tasting

This week in DT, we have been exploring fruits and vegetables.

First we looked at a variety of fruits and vegetebles and sorted these into a table

The children have been learning this week that a plant is categorised as a fruit if it contains seeds.

They had the exciting opportunity to explore and taste a variety of 12 different fruits and had to decided whether they liked the taste of them or not in order to plan and design their fruit salad that they will be making next week!

Fruits included: banana, blueberry, rasspberry, strawberry, tangerine, honeydew melon, galia melon, apple, pear, grapes, mango and plum.

For each fruit the children had to think of these questions:

  • Can they spot the seeds in the fruit?
  • Can they use adjectives to describe what the fruit looks like?
  • Can they describe what the fruit tastes like?
  • Did they like the taste of the fruit? Give reasons for their answers.

1C Nouns and proper nouns

Date: 5th Mar 2022 @ 10:03am

We have been learning all about nouns and proper nouns.

We have laerned a very catchy song all about nouns from Anchor education which can be found below.; 

We looked and some cards containing nouns and proper nouns and had to sort them into a table. Some of these were tricky as we know that school is a noun but Townfield Primary School is a proper noun because it is the name of the noun. This confused us a little but we got there in the end. There were also another few little surprises as we learned that proper nouns must have a capital letter. This meant that we had to think carefully about what we were reading and had to decide whether some of them required us to add capital letters!


1C Measuring height and length

Date: 5th Mar 2022 @ 9:57am

Learning objective - measure height and length.

In maths we have been measuring. We have used a veriety of methods for measuring objects and people such as; using non-standard measures (paper clips, strips of paper, hands and feet), rulers (cm) and have compared hights and measures using th following vocabulary; Tallest, taller, shortest, shorter, longest, longer.


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