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2JB - Science

Date: 21st Oct 2024 @ 8:43pm

Year Two had a fantastic time during their workshop on plants, where they explored the fascinating world of different plant types. Through drama and creative play, they brought a wide range of plants to life, deepening their understanding and sparking their imaginations.

2JB - DT

Date: 21st Oct 2024 @ 8:35pm

2JB have shown great enthusiasm and creativity in designing and making their moving vehicles. They have demonstrated impressive perseverance, especially when it came to attaching their wheels and axles. It won’t be long now until their wonderful creations are complete and ready to be brought home.

Class RJ: Colour Mixing

Date: 15th Oct 2024 @ 3:45pm

The children had a fantastic time learning about primary and secondary colours. They used this knowledge to create beautiful paintings of their families. 

Class RJ : School Trip

Date: 15th Oct 2024 @ 3:39pm

Reception enjoyed exploring our local area and visiting St Saviour's Church today. 


Date: 2nd Oct 2024 @ 11:02pm

During PE, we have been concentrating on Fundamentals. We have learnt how to move around safely looking for spaces to move into. We have also been learning how to jump and land properly...we've even learnt how to hopscotch!

2JB Maths

Date: 27th Sep 2024 @ 7:12pm

Class 2JB have been learning about place value, focusing on making numbers using tens and ones. The children have been practicing how to break down numbers and understand their value in terms of tens and ones. Hopefully, they are gaining confidence in demonstrating what they’ve been learning in class to you at home, showing a stronger grasp of these important number skills.

RC Week 2 Homes

Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 8:19pm

This week we have been thinking all about homes.  We started by looking at lots of different types of homes :

  • Flats
  • Bungalows
  • Terraced houses
  • Semi-detatched houses
  • Detatched houses

We looked at what things were the same, and what was different. We found:

  • windows,
  • doors,
  • roofs
  • chimneys

We noticed that some had garages, some didn't. Some had lots of different floors and some only had 1!

We have also been reading our class story of 'The Three Little Pigs', and have made some of our own using different materials and joining techniques.  We have learnt how to use glue, cellotape, masking tape, hole punches and treasury tags.


Class RC

Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 7:01pm

This week we have been thinking about our families.  We have discussed who is in our family and how special they are to us.  We found that although they are all different, they are all unique.

We have been reading our class story 'The Colour Monster Goes To School' and exploring how we can mix primary colours to make different secondary colours.  We painted our hands and watched the colours change as we rubbed them together.

It was a lovely week of firsts with our first trip to the dinner hall, PE session and forest school. So much fun.

Class RJ - Busy week in reception

Date: 19th Sep 2024 @ 2:43pm

We have had another fun week in reception! 


Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 8:31pm

During our week, we have been exploring what happens in spring. We explored what we already knew about the seasons and how spring compared to winter. We also went on a scavenger hunt around school to look for signs of spring. We found flower buds, green leaves, leaf skeletons and feathers.

2B- Sports Day

Date: 9th Jul 2024 @ 2:46pm

We had such an amazing day of sports today. We enjoyed Tug Of War, Relay races, football, cricket, tennis, yoga,netball and dodgeball. 
The children experienced so many different sports and were able to learn lots of new skills. A thoroughly  exciting day. It was amazing for the children to showcase their new skills. We also learnt about good sportsmanship and we were proud to observe the children cheering each other on and shaking hands after playing against one another. 

4D Sports Day

Date: 8th Jul 2024 @ 12:45pm

Year 4 had an another excellent Sports Day. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were all able to take part in such a wide range of sports. 


6P Sports Day

Date: 7th Jul 2024 @ 9:40pm

A fantastic day at out inspirational sports day. We played football, dodgeball, rugby, tennis, cricket, completed a boot camp and played netball! It was so much fun and we were all so tired at the end of the day. 

2B- Croxteth Farm Trip

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 3:53pm

Year 2 had an amazing time at Croxteth Farm relating to our Science topic 'Animals, Including Humans'! They learnt all about about animals and their offspring and that they need food, water and air to survive.

6P Sculpture making

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 3:14pm

Starting our sculptures using wires and masking tape. Our work is inspired by Henry Moore. 

4D - Art (Pastel dragon eyes)

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 11:23am

4D have been drawing sketches of dragon eyes. In this lesson, we used the chalk pastels to draw the eyes and they looked really effective. 

4D - Rainbow Speaking Qualification

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 11:17am

Year 4 took part in the Rainbow Trust English Speaking Qualification. Mr Power (Head of Shoreside Primary School) judged the children's performance and was delighted to say that all children had passed this qualification. They worked really hard to perform a piece in the style of a rap, with the inspiration from the Cinderella story. They were so proud that they wanted to perform it for their adults in the forest!

4D - Family forest session

Date: 4th Jul 2024 @ 11:15am

Take a look at what we got up to at our parent forest session.

6C - Art (Henry Moore)

Date: 1st Jul 2024 @ 3:48pm

6C - Bake Sale

Date: 1st Jul 2024 @ 3:46pm

6C - Woodland Session

Date: 1st Jul 2024 @ 3:45pm

6P African Dancing

Date: 1st Jul 2024 @ 12:28pm

6P had a fantastic time learning all about African Dancing ! 

2B - Art - Alfred Wallis

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 3:50pm

Unit Overview: Mixed Media Coastlines – Alfred Wallis 

Lesson 3/4 - Creating backgrounds

Component knowledge

  • Know what texture is
  • Know what running stitch is and how to do it
  • Know how to create different painting effects using layering of paint.
  • Know how tints can be created by adding white and shades of one colour can be created by adding black.
  • Know that different size/shaped brushes create different effects.
  • Know that paintbrushes can differ in appearance and purpose.

(Children to experiment with tints, tones and shades and using scrunched copies of old local maps to create texture in sketchbooks and then on final piece.)

6P Art

Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 2:22pm

Some fantastic still life drawings from Year 6. We have been inspired by the work of Henry Moore.

6P Fieldwork

Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 2:18pm

Conducting fieldwork today like Geographers, we have been counting the modes of transportation in our local area and considering how we would present this data. 

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

E: [email protected]

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