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1C - Mrs Carey: Gallery

1C PE sending and recieving

Date: 12th Jun 2024 @ 11:39am

We have been learning and practicing sending and receiving skills. These skills involve; throwing, tracking, hitting and catching a ball. For throwing, we needed to remember to  use an accurate throw. For fielding, we learned that using an over arm throw enabled us to throw further and for bowling an under arm throw worked best. track the ball at all times, 


We then learned how to use these skills to bowl and bat a ball. The bowler needed to ensure that they focused on the target (the bat) and the batter needed to focus on the ball to enable them to hit the ball. The fielders needed to also track the ball.

1C science parts of a flower

Date: 12th Jun 2024 @ 11:23am

Today we have been studying the parts of a flower. First we looked closely at how the flower is constructed once it is fully grown. We then deconstructed the flower, placed it back together like a jigsaw and used our knowledge to label the main parts.

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1C Science Plants

Date: 12th Jun 2024 @ 11:10am

This term our new science topic is all about plants.

in lesson 1 we learned all about what a seed needs in order to grow. We then planted our own seed which we will be observing and recording the changes that take place over time.

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1C PE Ball skills

Date: 12th Jun 2024 @ 10:58am

This term we are learning ball skills in PE.

in this lesson we practised controlling a ball with our hands. We had remember to use the palm of our hand to bounce the ball infront of us and then we attempted dribbling just like in basketball.

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1C Science Materials in different forms with different properties

Date: 1st May 2024 @ 8:43pm

In this science lesson we investigated materials in different forms with  different properties and discovered their different uses. We discovered that one material can take many different forms and that they can be both flexible AND rigid depending on this. We examined wood in paper form, cardboard form and as a table and we examined plastic as a spoon, a milk carton and as a raincoat. We felt them, squashed them and tested out their properties. From this, we then placed pictures of them into a Carrol diagram.

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1C RE Creation

Date: 1st May 2024 @ 8:27pm

Our new RE topic is all about Creation, our favourite things that God has created.

In Lesson 1, we discussed the things that we are thankful for such as; our friends, our families, our homes, our food, our land, our animals etc. We discussed how some Christians believe that God created our world and are very thankful to him. 

We then had a discussion about what WE are thankful for an what our favourite things in this world are.

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In Lesson 2, we learned all about how Christians and people of the Jewish faith both believe that our world was created in the same way by God. We listened to an extract from the Old Testament and created some art to represent the creation story.

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1C DT Free-standing structures

Date: 1st May 2024 @ 7:56pm

In DT this term, we are going to be looking at free-standing structures. We are going to be evaluating, planning and making our own chair for Baby Bear from Goldilocks and the Three Bears story.

Lesson 1 - we studied a variety of chairs and talked about what the name of the chair structures are; Stool, chair, high chair, directors chair, bar stool, the materials they were made from and why, their purpose and who would use them and why. We then looked at how they had been made stable;

Chair legs to give stability. The base (bottom) of the structure is usually wider than the top to help it be more stable and they aren’t normally too heavy at the top to stop them toppling over.

Lesson 2 - We explored how we could create our own free-standing structure using a variety of resources such as Lego, Kinex, paper and card, paper straws and cardboard tubes. We had to work out how we could make our structure strong and stable. We learned all about how a wide base and a butress can help support a free-standing structure, especially when it is a taller structure.

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Lesson 3 - We had to make a table out of paper. We needed to use different folds and bases to enable it be free-standing, strong enough to hold a pair of scissors and stiff enough not to bend under the weight of the scissors.

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1C Maths - measuring length using non standard measures

Date: 1st May 2024 @ 7:34pm

In maths we have been measuring length and hieght using non standard measures. We have learned that you can measure using all differnt kinds of objects as long as you call them units.

We have been using cubes, paper clips and even our hands and feet!!

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1C World Book Day

Date: 9th Apr 2024 @ 9:17am

1C had lots of  AMAZING characters in our class on World Book Day.

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1C Music - creating aquarium sounds

Date: 9th Apr 2024 @ 8:17am

In music, we have been exploring some of the different elements of music such as pulse, rhythm, pitch, tempo and dynamics. We have been learning how to create a piece of music that represents the different sounds that the creatures within an aquarium would make. To do this, we needed a composer to instruct us on what to do. We then used triangles, shakers, drums, Xylophones and claves to create the sounds. To do this, we needed a composer to instruct us on what to do.


Here are the lyrics to the music definitions song that we have been practising in order to remeber what the vocabulary means.

Pulse – a steady beat, running through the music
Rhythm – a pattern of long and short notes


Pitch can be high
Pitch can be low

The melody changes from high to low
To make a tune you could hum, a tune you could know

Tempo can be fast, tempo can be slow
Tempo can be fast, tempo can be fast, tempo can be fast

Or tempo can be slow

Dynamics can be quiet or loud


And texture means the many different layers of sound
Texture means the many different layers of sound, like this!

Structure is how you organise a piece of music.


Tambre means tone or quality of sound
Like how a piano sounds different to electric guitar

1C PSHE Our families are different

Date: 9th Apr 2024 @ 8:07am

In this session, we read 2 books; by Leslea Newman – Mommy, Mama and Me and Daddy, Papa and me.  We discussed how the 2 families are different.  
We then discussed with a partner, who is in my family. We shared the names of people who are in their family and then drew a picture containing this information.
We then partnered up to look at and compare the two families.  How are they different?  How many different ways can you count? We discovered that we are also all the same in some ways.
Using a photograph ourselves, we had to place ourselves into a circle containing a label; My family enjoys eating pizza. My family likes burgers. We then discussed the possibility of liking both/neither. What would we do then?
We set up a Venn diagram using the circles by overlapping them. This meant that if we liked both, we placed ourselves into the middle section, if we liked neither we placed our photo on the outside of the Venn.
Throughout, we discussed that these are things that some families have in common and it os ok to have similarities as well as differences.

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1C Maths - Shape

Date: 9th Apr 2024 @ 7:49am

In Maths, we have been studying 2D and 3D shapes. We have been exploring these shapes within the environment, pictures, and by using shapes. We have been learning to names and properties of each shape, playing games to identify each shape by their properties, and even had a go at drawing them ourselves.

We used our teacher's phones to play a game of 'Shape Shop'. This was so much fun! We had to call up the shop (RING RING, RING RING)

"Hello, this is the shape shop, how may I help you?".

We had to ask for a shape; "Hi, do you have any squares in stock today?"

"Oooh, a square? Can you help me by describing what a square looks like please?"

"It has 4 corners and 4 sides"

"I have two shapes with those properties, can you tell me more?"

"Yes, all of the sides are the same size"

"Perfect! Yes I have lots of squares"

"OK, Thank you, see you soon"


1C Art Rita Greer

Date: 9th Apr 2024 @ 7:20am

We have been studying the work of a famous history artist called Rita Greer who painted her impression of what it was like during the Great Fire of London. We studied her work and researched facts about her and then created an artist appreciation page using a variety of media.

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In our next lesson we, we experimented with charcoal and pencils to explore the different effects we could make using a variety of pressures, tones, shades, lines, and even smudging. We then used these skills to create an observational drawing of a Tudor house using charcoal.

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In Lesson 3, we used our previous observation drawing to create a Tudor house using strips of black paper. This was more of a challenge than we thought it would be. We had to measure, cut and stick the strips using our knowledge of the different types of lines; straight, angled, thick, thin and spacing etc.

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1C Science Materials

Date: 20th Mar 2024 @ 9:39pm

We have been finding out materials everyday objects are made from, their names, their uses and their properties. We tested some materials to see if they were absorbent, flexible, bouncy, bendy, brittle etc.
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1C DT Fruit smoothies

Date: 20th Mar 2024 @ 9:38pm

In DT, we have been researching and evaluating fruits, and designing and making our own fruit smoothies. We got to blend them, taste them and evaluate our chosen methods. First we learned how to safely cut, peel and chop a variety of fruits using a bridge hold and a claw grip. We then tasted the fruits to see which fruits we wanted to include in our smoothies and then designed them. We then used our design to prepare, make and drink our smoothies.                                                                                                

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1C RE - Christianity

Date: 20th Mar 2024 @ 8:38pm

In RE, we have been studying Christianity. We explored belonging and making promises. We listened to a story from the bible that Christians believe in called Noah and the Ark. We learned that God made a promise to Noah and Noah made one back. We learned that some promises are easier to keep than others and created our own class puzzle of promises that we would like make and to try our best to keep them. The bible says that God always keeps his promises and Christians believe this to be true


We then studied how Christians welcome new babies through a Christening. We watched a short video of a baby being christened by a vicar. We learned who the people present at a christening are; Parents, God parents and a vicar. Once we had learned all about this, we role-played our own christenings.


1C Geography Signs of Spring Feb 2024

Date: 20th Mar 2024 @ 8:25pm

As part of our United Kingdom and the Weather topic, we went outside to look for signs of Spring. We looked for subtle changes that were beginning to take place. We spotted, budding branches, we heard birds singing, some insects were scurrying thriugh the soil, plants were beginning to shoot and we discussed how the sun has begun to rise earlier and set later .

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1C geography UK

Date: 11th Mar 2024 @ 3:04pm

In Geography, we have been studying the countries that the United Kingdom is made up of. We have located these in our atlases, labelled them on a map and have created a key that clearly shows Scotland, England, Wales, Nortern a Ireland, seas and borders.
We then went on to name the seas and the oceans that surround the UK.

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1C Christmas

Date: 1st Feb 2024 @ 11:34am

What a fabulous Christmas we had! Everbody looked so Christmassy.

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We had a lovely Christmas dinner with all of the trimmings


1C Art - Andy Warhol repeated portraits

Date: 31st Jan 2024 @ 7:58pm

Once we had chosen our four favourite complimentary colours, we painted our backgrounds and then stuck our portraits onto them. We then had to use our four chosen colours to colour in our features. This made our artwork

POP! Just like Andy Warhol's

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1C Geography L3 following a route using directions

Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 8:33pm

Today we learnt how to use directions such as left, right, forwards, backwards to follow a route.

Using an aerial view map of our school grounds, we learned how to orient a map, describe which physical and human features we could see using phrases such as the woods are in front of us, the car park is on our right, the path is on our left. 
we then created a route by using our directions; walk forward and down the steps to the playground, turn left to walk up the path to the top playground, turn right and walk across the playground up to the fence, turn left and walk forwards to the bike shed. We also recorded our route onto our map before returning to our classroom.

we had so much fun doing this activity but we found orientating our maps quite tricky.

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Week1C 10 weekly achievements

Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 8:23pm

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1C Computing L1 - Using digital tools to create pictures

Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 8:08pm

We have been using the Paintz app to learn how to use the tools to create self-portraits on laptops.

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1C PSHE - How can we look after our teeth?

Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 7:45pm

We have been learning all about teeth; how they work, why they fall out, and how to keep them healthy.

We created posters to show what we need to do and how our diet can help keep our teeth healthy.

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We even got a toothbrush and toothpaste to take home with us. 

1C Art L4 - Explore complimentary and contrasting colours

Date: 29th Nov 2023 @ 7:44pm

In this lesson we observed and discussed a variety of colours.  We first looked at both primary (red, blue and yellow) and secondary colours (green, orange, purple) and then discussed which were cold/warm colours.

We then looked at a colour wheel which explained and showed us which colours belonged to which group; red, orange and yellow are warm/hot colours and blue, purple and green are cool/cold colours. This is where we learned all about contrasting/opposite colours.

We then experimented with these colours using different types of media (paint, pencils, crayons and oil pastels). We chose two colours at a time and explored which paired contrasting colours we found complimented each other.

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From this we chose our favourite four colours that complimented each other the best to use for our repeated images back grounds.

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Townfield Primary School

Townfield Lane, Prenton, Wirral, CH43 2LH

T: 0151 652 8498

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